The Storm Is Upon Us
There Will Be No Calm Before It
Whether people
realize it or not, we are at war. And not with just a party. We are at
war with an ideology that permeates both parties, and much of the
world. And while this website is dedicated to winning back our
Republic, it is just as important to recognize the real enemy if we are
to defeat it. A great start is to target and defeat as many of the
people (in the left-hand column) as possible in 2022. Details on the
best way to accomplish this can
be found here and
The greatest threat our Republic has ever known is upon us - we are
beseiged by globalism and it's drive to usher in their New World Order
- the "Great Reset", as they have renamed it. And they are winning because, unlike conservatives, they play dirty
because to them, there is only winning, and they will literally do
anything to accomplish their end game of world domination, where the
globalist elites own everything - even us.
Globalists see this as not just a fight for their survival (which is a trait we share), but also a fight to have the best of everything, without having to share with those of us they deem to be inferior. They are aware that the planet has limited reources, so the fewer people who have access to those resources, the better.
And that explains their second highest priority - eugenics. Every globalist firmly believes that the population must not exceed that which they feel is optimum for them to a) have everything they want, while b) ensuring there are enough working stiffs (serfs, slaves) to produce what the globalist elites consume. Which explains why the elites in Big Tech are pushing AI so hard - the more they can get robots to do, the less use they will have for the rest of us - we will ALL become "useless eaters".
This also explains their insistence on abortion at any stage of pregnancy, and their desire for endless wars. It may well even explain why certain governors knowingly placed covid patients in nursing homes. As Henry Kissinger, renowned globalist so clearly stated, "The elderly are useless eaters" - a sentiment shared by John Podesta and most other globalists.
And if any "serf" uses more resources than what they produce, make no mistake - he will simply be eliminated.
This is not a "conspiracy theory" - they have made no secret of any of this. Here is Bill Gates in 2010 - bear in mind, when anyone on the left says "reproductive health services" they are saying abortion.

As you can see, this is very real and runs deep into society - not just in America, either. This is world-wide, and extends into every facet of society - politics, the media, our educational instituutions, the medical elites, like the CDC, W.H.O., and the likes of Doctor Anthony Fauci.
This will not be an easy fight to win, but it is one we must win.
To that end, take note of the list of representatives and senators to the left - they are all vulnerable in 2022. Our task is to identify patriotic, conservative candidates, get them to run, and support their campaigns (NOT the GOP). We must work hard for them. We must find more 'Scott Presslers' in their states to help new conservatives register to vote. We must explain to everyone we know and meet why our candidates are the best choice. We need to develop great messages, each based on the needs of the people each candidate would be serving. And we need to make those messages entertaining as detailed in this post, so people will listen, learn, remember.
That is the task before us. Let's DO IT!