Red Pilling

Red-pilling - the art (or science) of converting people to a more conservative viewpoint. 

We must do a lot of red-pilling if we are to take back this country. Although we are at least 75 million strong, that is not enough, as we saw in the last election. We need enough people on our side to effectively overcome any attempts at cheating by Democrat globalists.

The easiest people to red-pill are Independents. Such people usually lean right, anyway. For the most part, Independents are prior Republicans and Democrats who got left behind by their party; disillusioned. Your objective is to pull them gently back into Republican ranks, first by showing them we are transforming the party, and partly by using effective messaging to convince them that we will be better, more effective stewards of the Republic.

To this end, you may want to study the article on messaging  to insure the best chance of success. Couple your effective messaging with a friendly, pleasant attitude - more flies are caught with sugar than with vinegar.

First, ask what problem(s) they have with the POLICIES of the Republican party, and listen carefully. Ask what POLICIES of the Democrat party they agree with and like. This will provide insight into how best to approach them. Only then will you have an opportunity to awaken them. For example, if they are pro-choice, you can mention that a lot of conservatives are also pro-choice, which is true. Do NOT try to get them to accept pro-life - your objective is not to change their core beliefs, but to change their perception of what is true or false.

You can then ask them where they stand on other policy issues - 2nd amendment, free speech, how they feel about "America First", how they feel about forcing people to violate religious beliefs by using their tax dollars to pay for abortion,  how they feel about sending hundreds of billions a year to other countries while so many Americans are in need of help, the right of parents to consent to medical treatment for their minor children, or do they favor or oppose infanticide etc. 

Understand that most people who oppose the Republican platform only do so because they are not well informed - they get their "news" from liberal media and Saturday Night Live. Your task is to assist them in becoming better informed, not brainwashed. Have your messages ready to show how the conservative platform is in keeping with a majority of that person's beliefs and sensibilities. And have factual information ready to show how the Democrat platform falls short. Be prepared to counter arguments such as "right-wing extremists attacked the Capitol" with facts that, while some on the right may have been swept up in the moment, the evidence shows it was intentionally planned and instigated by activists on the left, and mention that unlike the riots and looting in cities across the nation where cities were actually burned which were never condemned by the democrats or media, all Republicans condemned both the riots and the attack on the Capitol - equal justice.

In other words, have your facts handy, know what both party platforms are, and use proper messaging. Also take note that it can be even more effective to host a public community event to discuss and compare both platforms so voters are more informed.

Learn How To Communicate

So you think that, since you speak English, and the person you are speaking with speaks English, you are both speaking the same language? Not necessarily. And this is the basis for so much misunderstanding between people. 

More often than not, what you say may not be what someone hears, because while we are HEARING words, we are simultaneously interpreting them according to our own beliefs, assumptions and previous experiences (conditioning). Here is an example:

Joe, an alcoholic offers Bob a drink at the bar. Bob declines, saying "No thanks - I don't drink". What Joe HEARS is "No thanks - alcohol is for losers." What Joe does not know is that Bob is, himself, a recovering alcoholic and that is the reason he doesn't drink. And a misunderstanding is born.

There is language, and then there is communication.

Anyone with political aspirations needs to be able to communicate effectively, as do those who would attempt to red-pill someone. In fact, it is helpful in any attempt to communicate with anyone, even your children, business associates and neighbors. As a real estate investor, I had to learn how to communicate effectively if I wanted to be successful, and have taught this strategy to my students.

Regardless of what lanuguage is spoken, each of us speaks one of five types of that language, and some of us speak more than one. And the type of language we speak will dictate who we can effectively communicate with. Let me explain.

From the time we are born, our brain begins processing data. Everything we experience through our five senses - every thing we see, hear, touch, smell and taste - makes a lasting impression. This is how we learn. Unfortunately, we do not all process information in the same way. Sometimes, we simply cannot. If a child has a vision impairment, less of his input comes from sight, and more from his other senses. The brain associates input with the method by which it is received. For a majority of people, sight is the predominant input device, followed closely by hearing, then the other senses provide the rest. If, however, the person has a vision impairment, the predominant sensory input device may be the ears, or maybe touch. So, what does all this mean to you, the guy who just wants to win elections? A lot!

People who grew up using sight as the predominant input vehicle will be sight oriented - they learn to depend more on visual stimuli than any other. To these people, what they SEE is most important. On the other hand, those who grew up depending primarily on hearing for inputting data will place more emphasis on what they hear. And so on, through all five senses.

Now, if you want to capture someone's attention, and you want them to see things your way (persuasiveness), you must speak to them in the language they predominantly use - for example, sight-based language. If, while listening closely to a person you discover he uses a lot of "sight" words, such as "I see by this study that...", or "I try to envision (or visualize)..." etc., you can suppose he is sight oriented, and if you want to speak his language, you must base yours on sight, as well, using sight oriented words. If, on the other hand, the person uses hearing-based language, he will say things like, "From the sound of it, I'd say...". Smell-oriented people might use phrases like, "Something smells fishy - I don't think he's being honest..."

By listening carefully, you can usually determine the primary sensory input device, and use that to help sell your message. In the case of a person trying to sell his home, let's say a prospective buyer uses a lot of words like "see, vision, color, pretty, gorgeous" etc. He is probably sight oriented. Hence, he can best be swayed by those assets and benefits that are most pleasing to the eye - the view, color schemes etc. Those who are touch oriented (you'll spot them, because they have to touch everything) will be more impressed by textures, rather than patterns. Smell oriented buyers can be best impressed by the smell of fresh-baked cookies in the oven, and other smells that seem to scream "homey, comfort".

By playing on the buyers' senses, you have a much better chance of closing the deal. By the way - it is always a good idea to make a batch of chocolate chip cookies or brownies just before a showing, or whenever a buyer is due to show up. If a buyer can envision (yes, I am sight oriented) the homey comfort in living in that house, he is more apt to buy it.

I once taught this strategy to a very doubtful real estate agent that I had worked with a few times. She was, to say the least, very skeptical, but since her sales were not anywhere near the Top 10, she promised to give it a try. Within 8 months she had reached Top Salesperson for her agency, and a few months later she opened her own brokerage. She claims that, knowing how to speak the buyers language made all the difference, and that selling homes had almost become easy.

I use this strategy all the time - not just when buying or selling real estate, but in any interaction with others - business associates, personal relationships and so on. Not only does it afford me the opportunity of having someone fully understand what I am meaning, it also puts them more at ease, not having to try and decipher what I am saying.

As a final note: this takes a) listening carefully to the other person, and b) lots of practice.
