Pressure Your Legislators

Restoring our Republic will be a tough chore, and in fact would be impossible unless and until we fix our elections, insuring they are fair and honest. If we do not tackle that first, there will never be another election by We, the People.

We hear the people who are whining that it's over, that there will be no more elections that we can win because the Democrats have rigged the system and that the GOP has betrayed us. We agree that the establishment hacks in the GOP have betrayed us, but we strongly disagree with them when they say the answer is a new party, which is discussed in detail, here. The problem is not the GOP - a TENT. The problem is the establishment people who control it. And we agree the elections have been rigged, but we strongly disagree that it cannot be fixed. And this is how we do just that (which, by the way, is identical to what President Trump called upon us to do in his CPAC speech)...

President Trump's requirements for free and fair elections are the same as the ones we have here at American Patriots in Action and in the Petition to Legislatures. Like he said at CPAC, nothing else will work, nothing else is more important. If you think you are smarter or wiser than him, you are probably wrong. If you are disappointed because he (and God) is not accommodating YOUR timetable, too bad. Right now, we have a job to do. Either help, or just sit down & stop bitching. Think! If Biden had lost, little would have changed because many people would still be asleep. BECAUSE he cheated and stole the WH, even Democrats are waking up, which sets the stage for healing.

Per President Trump, we need to pressure our state legislatures to reform their election processes as follows. Unless this happens, nothing can  change. Bear in mind, it is not necessary for every state to adopt every one of these points, but we should try to get them to do so, and not let up. And while your one voice can be ignored, thousands of voices cannot. Your job is to get as  many people as you can to join the effort of pressuring your legislature:

1) ONE election day. Just ONE

2) Restrict Absentee ballots to only those with legitimate reason

3) No other mail-in ballots, but if they are allowed, must still require proof of citizenship

4) VoterID

5) Universal signature matching

6) Verify citizenship

7) Maintain chain of custody for every ballot

8) Paper ballots

9) NO MACHINES - hand count only

Here is a breakdown of what several key states are already doing to reform their elections...

Donald Trump also requested that conservatives step up and fill the 200,000 Precinct Committee seats that are vacant - it is easy to do, and puts the GOP under OUR control. This video explains...

Click the NEWS link at the top of any page to see the latest results of our efforts.

The Constitution states that the times, places and manner of elections shall be determined by the legislature in each state.  But several state legislatures illegally turned that task over to others, like the Secretary of State, or an Election Board. And that is where things went very wrong.

In order to "un-rig" the elections, we must force our state legislatures to retake their power and authority and do their Consitutional duty. By using the power of our numbers, we can effectively pressure legislators in our states to reform elections to comply with both the state and federal Constitutions. We can press them to eliminate unrestricted mail-in ballots and limit voting by mail to only those who legitimately cannot vote in person. It is suggested to use a petition such as this to urge your legislature to implement the necessary laws to insure election integrity in your state. The petition looks strange, but prints properly. Every community, county and state should have petition drives, and have their county and state GOP's assist as clearinghouses to present them to the legislatures. This must be completed by October, so time is of the essence. Print, get everyone out getting signatures. Let's FIX this!

Since most states now allow voting in person over a period of days or weeks, very few other than those physically unable would have a legitimate excuse to vote absentee. By requiring that only legitimate excuses to allow for absentee voting to be permitted would severely restrict the potential for fraud. We can also pressure them to institute some form of VoterID, eliminate any possibility of ballot harvesting and ban the use of voting machines which can be manipulated. All votes by paper ballot and hand counted in the presence of observers of both parties who can be close enough to actually observe.

Pressure! Do not let up! Make sure they understand there will be consequences for any legislator who does not vote to clean up the election process and restore integrity to the election. Contact them personally and regularly until it is done. Write op-eds. Form or join groups and committees. Circulate petitions and get people to sign them.

And whatever else you do or do not do, do not leave this for others to do, and do not allow others to sit this out, either. This is far too important. As stated earlier, if we do not do this ONE THING, nothing else will ever matter again. You, your children, your grandchildren will suffer in a decadent world in which evil will rule.
