Pressure The RNC & State GOP

Okay, we get it. You are pissed at the RNC/GOP. So are we. But we can tell you with 100% certainty that if we allow ourselves to be guided by our emotions instead of our brains, we will lose again. And if we lose in 2022, there will be no "fixing" America. It will be over. The stakes are just too high to risk it all on acting irrationally due to our anger. Cool heads will prevail.

CRITICAL: There are 400,000 slots in the GOP Committee Chairman organization and only HALF ARE FULL. That means 200,000 positions of REAL POLITICAL POWER -- choosing who gets to run for political office in the party -- are there for the taking. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS VOLUNTEER. Only requires one meeting per month in your county or district. Check it out here...

Before reading this article, you may want to read how we can - must - force state legislatures to fix their corrupt election processes. Unless we accomplish that, nothing else is going to help us. Also, send a copy of this petition to your County and State GOP and urge them to assist in getting signatures, and have them agree to be the clearinghouse for petitions.

Ask yourself: when your computer gets corrupted, what do you do - do you use RESTORE, or do you just toss it out and buy a new one? 'Nuff said.

Our first step must be to re-take, reshape the RNC into the party we want it to be. This is far easier, faster and better than trying to cobble together a new party that would only serve to split the vote. And we do that by pulling together, which is a requirement whether or not we decide on a 3rd party. If we can stand together to start a new party, we can more easily stand together to fix the old party. The NAME of the party does not matter much. All that matters is that it serves the needs of the majority of the people. And that is US.

The GOP can easily be turned into the "GOP - The Patriot Party". And here is where we begin:

First, choose and enlist state and national leaders who are patriotic constitutionalists who have earned serious MAGA cred. These will be the "generals" that pull us together into a single, fighting unit. We suggest trying to get Donald Trump and some trusted advisors to work BEHIND THE SCENES to help us do this. If he is the public face of this, there are too many who would discredit our movement on that basis, so he should be the "wizard behind the curtain" - much the same as George Soros is the wizard behind the Democrat's curtain. This would be the ultimate "Trump Rally" -  not 50,000, or even a million, but 80 million or more! 

Once we have a team in place, all of us (not just our leaders) must create a mission statement and come together on what will be our platform, the policies we would work for. that would immediately be followed up by all of us contacting both state and national GOP and RNC organizations to inform (not simply request) that we will be reshaping the GOP and the RNC and determining it's mission and direction, and that they will be required to conform or get out of our way. They would be informed that we are (at least) 75 million strong, and if they want even so much as one of those votes, they will comply. 

We would demand a new election of GOP/RNC leaders - out with the old, in with the new.

Having co-opted the organization of the party, we would then proceed to choose and support ONLY MAGA-style candidates to run against both Democrats and incumbent RINO's.

Of course, there is more to it, but you get the point. Right this moment our attention should be focused on a) trying to get Trump to be the "wizard" in the background, and b) enlist qualified county, state and national leaders.

Get going - time is of the essence. We have less than one year to pull this part of the plan together. As you choose leaders, they should get in touch with one another and create a database that we can all access to learn who our leaders are, and learn what we, as individuals can do to help? .
